You’ve Got This!

Creating Your New Normal as a Working Parent

A three-part audio course and interactive workbook designed to help you develop and set off on your own path to success—at work and at home.


If you have a newborn on the way, you’ve likely been wondering (or, let’s be honest, stressing out about) how you’re going to manage all of your new responsibilities along with the old ones.

After baby comes home, you may find yourself returning to work with new perspectives and priorities.  

You’ve Got This! was developed by professional coaches who are working parents themselves. The three-part audio course and accompanying workbook help new parents clarify goals and define boundaries as they reach toward their own definitions of success. 

Three-part audio course

The course is divided into three parts to support you through different life stages: before parental leave, preparing to return to work and after you’ve started working again. 

Interactive workbook

Our 83-page online workbook will help you evaluate short- and long-term priorities, make realistic schedules that work for your family, facilitate conversations with your partners and coworkers, and more. 

You set the schedule

Listen and complete the lessons at your convenience—during feedings, walking on your lunch break, folding laundry at midnight ... you’re in the driver’s seat. 

Value $225!

“New parents are often bombarded with suggestions on how to do all of it ‘right,’ which can lead to anxiety and overwhelm. If you’re looking for the path to calm and confidence as you navigate the unpredictable terrain of being a working parent, you’re in the right place.”

Carla Greenan, Founder of 3Be Coaching


You’ve Got This! is divided into three parts, following your journey from expectant parent to return to work. Listen to lessons anytime, anywhere.


Prepare yourself for your newborn’s arrival and your transition away from work

This first module will help you sort out practical details that might be keeping you up at night as you prepare to leave work and welcome your new baby. Build a helpful transition plan and learn how to have productive conversations at work and at home.

Get Ready! is ideal to start:
•  During your last month of pregnancy
•  In the first few weeks of your baby’s life


Savor the end of parental leave and motivate to return to work

This second module addresses anxiety, excitement and anything else you might be feeling as you get ready to go back to work. Learn how to set realistic expectations, coordinate logistics, prioritize time for yourself and otherwise prepare for a smooth transition.
Get Set! is ideal to start:
•  When approaching the end of parental leave and preparing to return to work
•  When the idea of returning to work feels uncomfortable and exciting ... at the same time


Return to work confidently and settle into your new routines

The third module gets you ready to hit the ground running after your return to work. You may not be the same person you were before you had your baby—and that’s okay. Redefine your personal and professional goals and develop a plan to reach them.
GO! is ideal to start:
•  When your baby is aged 12 weeks to 5 years
•  When you’re feeling pulled between your desires and responsibilities at work and at home

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